
The first time I knew there was a group called Queen was when I went to my teenage friend Paco's house. It would be the year 82, when on one occasion we were in his house I saw in the room on his wall the poster of Queen of the four faces in overhead light that are the cover of the album "Bohemian Rhapsody". I was struck by the polyphony I used when listening to the album, I had never heard anything like that, on a rock album. Another moment of "meeting" with Queen was in '86, when we organized the Disco Festival at the Almenara Club for another year. Groups of boys performed on the stage of the auditorium doing play-back. I do not remember what I presented, was it "The Woman in Red" by Stevie Wonder?, but I do remember the recently released "The Kind of Magic", which my friend Pedro took, and danced with his companions. What memories! And then, always in the car, Queen, at full volume. Yesterday we were 6 teachers with 136 stu...