
I fully share this opinion: Blog de Antonio Domingo. "Perhaps to understand what I mean is necessary to explain several different ways this word FUN. I do not speak the easy laugh, or focus focus looking at anywhere, not wasted neuronal fluidity. I mean the fun in classroom and learning engine. We seek friendlier image of knowledge that enables a simple approach to the learning process. Fun speak student, who because of the interest that produces what you are doing, you lose track of time and immersed in a learning without limits. We develop spaces where more attention equals more fun and better learning. I speak fun, learning that due to the proximity of the approach, in which the old theorem being offered, finds its own way using their own skills. We seek a personalized approach to multiple intelligences, improving care, which equals more fun and better learning. Fun speak student who feels part of the process, in the process, he is his own learning p...