Barong y Rangda

The photo I have chosen was taken in the Museum of Ethnic Music in Barranda (Caravaca de la Cruz). This is a part of the decoration of a typical musical instrument from Bali (Indonesia), an instrument of percussion.

It represents a mythological person known as the witch “Rangda”. She has big eyes, yellow hair and long teeth. The nail of her fingers can be twenty centimeters long. She has a long red tongue. This musical instrument is part of the orchestra of Bali: the “Jegog orchestra”, and particulary, this instrument is a xylophone.

This mask is used in the traditional theater of Bali. It is a dance with masks. A dragon called “Barong” protects a door that has a hidden treasure. The evil “Rangda” wants to steal it. Music of “Gamelan” always accompanies the rites, dance and traditional theater.

1.- Beyond the sacred portals of the Temple they were dancing the Barong

Más allá de los portales sagrados del Templo estaban bailando el Barong

2.- A mythical tale, told with religious fervor, of a Prince who was turned into a lion by a witch

Un cuento mítico, dijo con fervor religioso, de un príncipe que se convirtió en un león por una bruja

3.- Rangda, the evil one

Rangda, el maligno

4.- But the lovely Poutou had eyes only for Nyong

Pero la encantadora Poutou sólo tenía ojos para Nyong

5.- In symbolic pantomime the witch heaped maledictions upon the unfortunate Prince

En la pantomima simbólica la bruja colmó maldiciones sobre el desafortunado Príncipe

6.- With the wild beating of the gongs -the Prince's followers -entranced- shook with frenzy

Con la paliza salvaje de los gongs -los seguidores del Príncipe –entraron en trance con frenesí

7.- Through courage born of madness they set out to slay Rangda, the witch

A través de coraje nacido de la locura ellos se dispuso a matar Rangda, la bruja

8.- But in accord with the grotesque legend they must fail

Pero de acuerdo con la leyenda grotesca deben fallar

9.- And having failed, must sham suicide

Y después de haber fallado, debe simular un suicidio

10.- You play well my son. It is good for the gamelan that you have joined them.

Usted toca bien (el gamelán) a mi hijo. Es bueno para el gamelán que los haya unido.

The beaches of Bali are famous throughout the world, you can find all kinds of tropical beaches. If you love surfing and water sports, Bali is an unforgettable place.

All sorts of excursions are possible in Bali, as the output to contemplate the sunset and the monkey temple, ride a camel, enjoy art, culture and cuisine, guided visits the thousands of temples, into the jungle, etc...


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