The song of peace Mandela.


       Needless to say that singing together is a beautiful. We sing songs of our land, our time, our idols. We sing lyrics that bring back memories, lyrics of our favorite musicians or bands, we identify with these characters and make them ours. And when we sing in group vibrate with excitement. A concert of pop or rock, become an unforgettable experience, experiences that will always be with us.

     Each time I am amazed the work of famous pianist and conductor, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Daniel Barenboim. He keeps touring around the world with his orchestra composed of musicians, and this is the funny thing, Jews and Palestinians. And seeks to demonstrate that you can build peace among citizens that are not understood by the music. This is sensed Mandela. I guess I would say "If I sing all together will be a small step to facilitate coexistence in my country?".

     After over 40 years of discrimination that seemed impossible. Just missing a spark to light the fire of vengeance of black on white. But Mandela avoided. Launched a policy of national reconciliation, with new initiatives, including many controversies. Openly supported the South African rugby team, known as the Springboks, which was a historic symbol of apartheid. And because Mandela was soon realize that before each rugby match South Africa's anthem is sung. Together. A team representing a country. We had to win this one symbol. If the whole country singing together, a new climate of understanding would be created.

     Singing together is very important in Africa and in South Africa more. Powerful choirs are famous in the musical tradition of Southern Africa. Miriam Makeba, for example, (called Mama Africa) sang worldwide injustice of apartheid. In general, music in Africa is closely linked to the events of daily life: birth, work, social events ... do not listen to African music, but always involved singing, playing instruments and dancing. They sing in polyphony with based on repetition, variation, improvisation structures. Often with a solo singing often improvise, and a chorus, which repeats a fixed refrain. For Africans, singing is like breathing.

     If Mandela insisted that all sing together was to win the battle for peace. He knew that the national sport is where feelings and passion are more strongly. We can remember what happened to the Football World Cup. Spain won the World Cup in 2010 (also the European Championship in 2008 and 2012). All embracing, all states, all Spain (if only for a few hours).

     In the interview with Mandela rugby team captain, Francois Pienaar, he makes it clear that they should win. With that I was asking something more important than a "simple" world championship (then win again in 2007). I was asking support to unite a country. Pienaar asks his colleagues to sing the new anthem. This "detail" to sing the anthem before the game means nothing more or less not forget the importance of song in Africa.

     Then come other sobering moments for the team: toured the slums and poor black neighborhoods, visit Mandela in the middle of a workout to inspire courage, cap and T resulted also in the championship team, greeting one by one of the players, knowing their names, team visit the prison where Mandela spent 27 years, visits to television, speeches to black people to encourage the Springboks, etc.

     And game after game (some truly grueling) reached the final of the Rugby World Cup. To the surprise of billions of viewers, players sing a hymn in language "enemy." The team sang along with a whole country. Mandela got the miracle. They won the game.

     The anthem of South Africa is the only one in 5 languages ​, including Afrikaans. After over 40 years of political apartheid, which imprisoned, tortured and killed blacks, has joined stanzas Afrikaans language of the text (the white minority) . That privileged white people who lived "no questions asked" about racism imposed by their government. How is it possible?

     But also, this letter has a music. For the sake of reconciliation "incomprehensible", the music of the old hymn has been incorporated into the new. The current anthem has 2 melodies (themes) different: the song of the black tribes (anti- apartheid song) for the first three verses and the music of the targets for the next two. The 2 in the same hymn, now of all. I think just wonderful.

     It is the attempt to unite to build peace . It's the anthem of South Africa, knowing the history it brings, makes me the creeps every time I hear them sing before every game of the Springboks, every time the crowd sings, everyone. It is the song of peace Mandela.

     As an epilogue, I can not avoid some comparison with the Spanish anthem. In our country, with autonomy and nationalism, we can not add a letter to the national anthem. There is no way to reach agreement. I give my proposed style Mandela: 4 lines in 4 languages.

Pastor Tomás Francisco Amós
Music Teacher IESO Sierra Almenara (Purias -Lorca )



NELSON MANDELA ROLIHLAHLA (MADIBA in Mandela's clan). Birth and Death Mvezo (1918) - Johannesburg (2013). South Africa. Advocate. Leader of the political party "African National Congress" (ANC). Commander of the terrorist organization Umkhonto we Sizwe, or Spear of the Nation (MK) to oppose the Apartheid regime. Arrested in 1962 and sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage. 27 years in Robben Island prison (prisoner number 466/64) and other prisons. Released on February 11, 1990. President of South Africa between 1994 and 1999. Policy of national reconciliation. Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Mandela in the movie Invictus (2009), Mandela, the man the myth (2013)

Bibliography in spanish:

Miriam Makeba, Pata Pata song:
Miriam Makeba biography :
Invictus Movie (2009). Fragments 1, 2 , 3 and 4 .
Documentary: Nelson Mandela. The player n.16 Parts 1, 2 , 3 and 4
National anthem of South Africa:
Anthem of South Africa today:
South African languages ​​(Wikipedia) :áfrica
Languages ​​of Spain (Wikipedia):ña
Versions of the Spanish lyrics of the national anthem:
Apartheid (Wikipedia):
Anthem of Spain letter Joaquin Sabina ( 2012)
Anthem of Spain with lyrics by Paulino Cubero (2008)
Anthem of Spain with lyrics by Eduardo Marquina (1927):
Anthem Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrica:
Anthem of South Africa sung by the Springboks in the final of the 1995 World Cup:
Current South African anthem sung by the Springboks in 2010:
Anthem of South Africa rugby match in 2013:
Anthem of South Africa rugby match in 2013:


Song composed by Enoch Sontonga in 1897 in Xhosa:

Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika ;
Malupakam'upondo lwayo ;
Jiva yetu imitandazo

Yihla Moya, Moya Yihla,
Moya Yihla Oyingcwele

Inkosi Sikelela zetu;
Zimkumbule umDali wazo;
Zimoyike zezimhlonele,

Sikelel' amadod' esizwe,
Sikelela kwa nomlisela
Ulitwal'ilizwe ngomonde ,

Nawo onk'amanenekazi;
Pakamisa wonk'umtinjana

Sikelela abafundisi
Bemvaba zonke zelilizwe;
Ubatwese ngoMoya Wako

Sikelel'ulimo nemfuyo;
Gxota nezifo zonk'indlala;
Zalisa ilizwe ngempilo

Sikelel'amalinge etu
Awomanyano nokuzaka,
Awemfundo nemvisiswano

Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika;
Cima bonk' ubugwenxa bay
Nezigqito, nezono zayo

Official anthem of South Africa (unique in the world that is in 5 languages)

With different lyrics, the song is anthem of Tanzania and Zambia, as was previously Zimbabwe and Namibia. Since 1925 he is the anthem of the African National Congress.

English Language and translation

(God Bless Africa - new song)
Nkosi Sikelel ' iAfrika
Maluphakanyisw' uphondo lwayo,
God Bless Africa
That moose glory

Yizwa imithandazo Yethu,
Nkosi Sikelela , lusapho thina lwayo .
Listen to us, Lord
bless us, to us, your children.

Morena boloka sa setjhaba heso,
O fedise Dintwa matshwenyeho it,
Or boloke, or boloke heso Sechaba sa,
Setjhaba sa, South Afrika, South Afrika!
Lord, we pray you to protect our nation,
Intervene and resolves all conflicts
Protect us, protects our nation,
Protect South Africa, South Africa!

(The Call of South Africa - old hymn)
Uit die blou van onse hemel,
Uit die diepte van ons see,
Oor ons ewige gebergtes ,
Kranse Waar die antwoord gee,
From our blue skies,
From the depths of our seas,
About our everlasting hills,
resounding with the echoes by the rocks,

Sounds the call to come together,
And Shall we stand united,
Let us live and Strive for freedom,
In South Africa our land.

Spanish Version of the National Anthem
Lyrics of Paulino Cubero (2008)


¡Viva España!
Cantemos todos juntos
con distinta voz
        y un solo corazón.


Visca Espanya! 
des dels verds valls 
l'immens mar, 
         un himne de germanor.


Ame o seu país 
el sabe abrazar, 
baixo o ceo azul, 
        persoas libres.


        Kontakizun justicia
eta handitasuna,
demokrazia eta bakea
  ematen duten haurrek gloria.


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