Curriculum Draft Decree 16/01/15 ESO


1st to 3rd of ESO:

Blocks subjects:
Trunks. They are divided into two areas: 1.Applied sciences. 2.Sociolinguistic.
Specific. Music Course is in Secondary 2 (3 hours of teaching).
Free configuration, along with other 4 are offered depending on the offer of the center and the number of students at the school. Here is the subject Creating and editing music in 1st year (three hours of teaching).

4th year:

2 options:
Introduction to High School.
Introduction to FP.

Blocks subjects:
Specific. The subject of Music (3 hours) and Performing Arts (3 hours of teaching), plus it can be imparting this faculty of physical education or language arts, along with 7 other, offered depending on the offer is and the number of students at the school.

One can think of that word: a bleak horizon for Music in ESO.

Music disappears in 3rd ESO, so where do they end musical content 3rd, which comes with some detail the history of music?

Subject (required), and specific, Music remains in 2nd ESO (3 hours).

And in 1 and 4: will it get it backbone music? It has remained at these levels in the ambiguous and ethereal trunk of the subjects offered in terms of supply and the number of students at the school. It can not be more confusing.

In 1 "compete", as a subject of free configuration (?), From 5 subjects.
The matter is called "Creating and editing music" (3 hours), and offer you to choose between 4 other subjects.

In 4th "compete" as a specific subject (?), Between 9 subjects.
We grant 2 subjects: Performing Arts (3 hours), which can also impart the physical education teacher and language arts. The other is music (3 hours).

The next course effect on 1st and 3rd of ESO is made.
The next in 4th and 2nd of ESO.


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