Bad times for teaching

Reflecting on the very justified complaint of my colleague from Plástica, I understand that sometimes consciously or unconsciously we assume that some colleagues have more workload than others, and that this is so and there is nothing to do.

Although the proportionality in terms of uneven workload has been almost like a tradition resignedly consented in our center (perhaps because we are few and we all know each other), now it becomes more evident. The number of students in charge of a teacher is the key to distinguish the major or minor task of a teacher.

  When we measure the teaching hours of each student in this quarantine period, they are blurred in such a way that although we only give a student two hours a week, they now have us 24 hours a day. You cannot refuse a job that sends you at 8 in the afternoon if, in addition, you apologize for the delay because you did not have a Wi-Fi connection or you did not have a computer, or your mobile phone had run out of data.

  So in my case that I have 186 students, the workload is multiplied by 10 with respect to some other classmate. I suppose that what matters is that the faculty and the teaching teams work together, joining forces, in these complicated and unpublished moments. And it is the essential. But above all we should not avoid responsibilities, blaming the happy bug. It is clear that this course can not be given up, or even step forward, or as it is said, the best defense with a good attack.

  For this reason, we should do a Special Issue of the Magazine of the Center in which parents are made aware of what has been done to avoid losing the educational work with their children, the new methods used, not only the activities to be carried out, who know them, both with students and among teachers, videoconferences, online tasks, digital resources, etc. In this way this new experience will not fall on deaf ears and the work of our colleagues will be deservedly disclosed.


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