Fascist, that you are a fascist (facha)!

Facha because you are rich.
  We only have one salary in our family. My wife does not work and we have two children. In most families there are two salaries. And cleaner of your house.

Facha for your conservative ideology.
  I would remove the subject of Religion from the Institute, because it favors discrimination and a comparative grievance among professors, distributing a very uneven number of students between a subject (religion) and the one offered in its place (Ethical Values). Would put the subject of "History of religions" for all.

Facha because you have a fixed job.
  I have 18 teaching hours with complete groups (not reduced by reinforcements or split-ups or subjects of 2 or 3 students like Ethical Values)

Facha because you have a car.
   My car is from 2003, diesel, and I only have one. It cost me € 15,000 15 years ago.

Facha because you live 100 kilometers from your house, rent, with the whole family away from our own home.

When I was little, the word "FACHAS" painted with a red spray on the facade of my parents' country house, which meant so much work, hope and savings, was engraved on them. This regards are always in my memory, as an awakening for me to the human condition, sometimes beautiful, and sometimes envious.

Today people call "facha" to anyone who does not think like him. I refuse to think like most. I refuse to let others decide for me. I am tired of the lack of equality between co-workers, which is accepted because "the law is thus made". What is it that some work 8 hours a week with students, and another 18? What is it that some have 2 students in a class the whole course and another 27? I'm tired of taking extra time to organize trips to Madrid, to Barranda, to Lorca. Now it's up to the teammates that end up "fresh" on Friday, because I'm very tired.


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