Bitter Monday.

I came back home thinking: Bitter Monday! after the workday. An hour in the car, and if you go alone, it's a long way . When I can't achieve the objetives with my students, I feel a bad mood, saddened, sorrow. The group of 3º of ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education), is so crowded, so talkative , and students are very lazy, is that sometimes I don't know where to start. I tell them: please let me teach!, let me explained that!, while some aren't interested in it, others are. And there is no solution. The small groups start to talk, and I separate them, and I notice them, and I follow whit the lesson, and they continued to talk, and we play the flute, and they do not always bring it, and they continued to talk, and I can not anymore. And that's the end: You!, you!, and you! have a warning serious, for disturbing again and again, for coming to class out of personal interest, without material, disrespecting the teacher not paying attention ...!

So I feel miserable, very bad. This pupil, by this admonition, goes to his home two days. The father of the other, by this admonition, will tell him two words when he gets home. The other pupils do not care at all ... And the others have fought and perhaps they have spoken more, and they deserved the punishment. And then, they come in another class change, and tell me: "Please! If you please ... ". (They are good people, but there are few students).

And then, I talk to their parents, and they reproach me: "My son is a good person, you do not know what happens" ... other parents support me ... others parents do not answer ...

And I 'm going home bitter, upset, with a feeling of restlessness. Today I have not been good teacher.


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